LA MONK - A brand of Aromatic and Allied working with Farmers since 1977

LA MONK - A brand of Aromatic and Allied working with Farmers since 1977

In the busy countryside of India, where nature and life blend in perfect harmony, there's a special brand that shines bright – LA MONK. LA MONK isn't just a brand; it's like a guiding light, offering hope and change. It's all about making things better for everyone, especially for the farmers and the people who use the products. It’s a brand of a company “Aromatic and Allied” which have been farming in different parts of India since more than 50 years.

LA MONK makes products in a way that's good for the Earth and for people's health. We are famous for our organic products, which means products are made without any harmful chemicals. What's really special is how we bring together the world of farming and the world of consumers, creating a connection that benefits everyone involved. This is why our tagline is: “FROM FARMER TO CONSUMER”.

A Promise to Farmers

LA MONK isn't just any brand – it's like a special promise. It was started by Mr. Gaurav Mittal, who is an IIT Graduate and Perfumery Post Graduate from Paris. He knows a lot about making perfumes and running businesses from his vast international working experiences. When he came back to India in year 2011, he noticed that farmers in India could do even better by his technical knowledge and experience. So, he decided to step in and make a change by starting a brand LA MONK in the year 2020.

Our company Aromatic and Allied - works closely with farmers, forming partnerships and working with a long-term goal to maintain sustainability of each and every crop that we produce. LA MONK makes sure that every part of making their products is done honestly and openly using the products farmed, manufactured and produced by our own company Aromatic and Allied. All the raw materials used in our brand LA MONK is having a complete traceability that makes sure the products reaching our consumers are 100% pure, natural and safe. Plus, it helps the farmers earn a fair amount of money, so they can do well and be successful.

Nurturing Roots, Cultivating Growth

At Aromatic and Allied, we really believe in the importance of forming strong connections – connections with farmers, their land, and their dreams for the future. Our journey starts right from the very beginning, at the grassroots level. That means we work closely with local farmers to grow aromatic crops in a way that's good for the environment and for them. We make sure to treat everyone fairly and with respect, using fair trade practices and buying directly from the farmers themselves. This ensures that farmers get a decent price for what they grow, which helps them live better lives with dignity.

Bridging the Divide: Working hand in hand with CSIR

At LA MONK, we really care about helping everyone, especially those who may face more challenges. That's why our company Aromatic and Allied works closely with the top scientists of India and have been working hand in hand with them. Our company signed an MoU with Council of Scientific Research Institute (CSIR) Aroma Mission – a government of India body whose Chairperson is Hon. Prime Minister of India and Vice-Chairperson is Hon. Science and Technology Minister of India. We work closely with CSIR - CIMAP (Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants) institute who provides us with latest developed species of aromatic plants that we make commercialized with our farmers spread all over India.

Under recent MoU signed with CSIR – CIMAP Aroma Mission, we are going to develop the tribal areas of India, where life can be tough for people. We teaming up with the locals there to start aromatic and herbal plantation projects that will help them to grow and produce the purest essential oils, herbal extracts and carrier/vegetable oils. These high-value pure oils are procured by our company giving a good price to the tribals and thus support them for better living. By doing this, we're not only helping them earn more but also making sure they can have things like clean drinking water and better living conditions. It's all about making life better for everyone and this is the main purpose of our brand LA MONK. The more the product sells the better is the living standard we provide to various communities all over India.

Market Support and Buy-Back Plans

At LA MONK (a brand of Aromatic and Allied), our dedication to supporting farmers isn't just something we talk about – it's something we do. We understand the challenges that farmers face, especially when it comes to getting a fair price for their crops. That's why we have special programs in place to help them out.

Firstly, we have market support initiatives. This means that our company Aromatic and Allied, keeps an eye on the prices of crops in the market. If we see that the prices are too low and unfair to farmers, we step in. We buy their crops from them at a higher price than what they would get in the market. This ensures that farmers get paid fairly for all their hard work.

But our support doesn't stop there. We also have buy-back plans. This means that we commit to buying crops from farmers at a fair price, regardless of market fluctuations. This gives farmers peace of mind, knowing that they have a guaranteed buyer for their produce.

Additionally, we have our NGO – Aromatic and Allied Helping Hands Foundations that provide immediate financial assistance to farmers when they need it. Whether it's for medical expenses, education fees, or any other urgent need, we're there to help.

By implementing these initiatives, our brand LA MONK reaffirms its commitment to the well-being of farmers. We believe that farmers are the backbone of our nation, and it's our responsibility to support them in any way we can. Together, we can build a brighter and more prosperous future for farming communities across India.


In a world where money often comes first, our brand LA MONK shows that caring about people is just as important. We believe in working together and being kind to each other. Our focus is on making sure our planet stays healthy, being honest in everything we do, and making sure farmers are taken care of. Brand L is committed to making the world a better place for everyone. As we move forward together, let's remember that true success isn't just about making money – it's about making a positive difference in people's lives and communities.